calcium hypochlorite
- 次氯酸钙

Effects of Calcium Hypochlorite Treatment on Defense Enzyme Activity of Stored Red Fuji Apple
Effects of Calcium Hypochlorite on Postharvest Physiology Change and Storage Quality of Red Fuji Apple at Ambient-temperature
The use of calcium hypochlorite in the paper conservation should thus be avoided .
A mode study on poliovirus type ⅰ inactivation with calcium hypochlorite in drinking water
Study on degradation of methamidophos in vegetables by calcium hypochlorite
The effects of mesh number of standard sieve on effective chlorine content of calcium hypochlorite were tested .
Objective : To probe into the antifungal activities of calcium hypochlorite and the underlying mechanisms .
The effects of sodium hydroxide concentration and chlorination temperature on effective chlorine content of calcium hypochlorite were tested .
Determination of content of active chlorine in sodium-method calcium hypochlorite by Iodimetry
Analysis of the Damage Cause of the Tray in Imported Calcium Hypochlorite Turbe-dryers and the Use of Home-made Substitute
This article deals with how temperature affects the stability of high strength calcium hypochlorite , as heat can weaken its stability and cause its decomposition .
Influence of temperature , time and washing times on the decolorization of triethylene glycol diheptylate by using the solution of calcium hypochlorite was studied .
Consumption of iodized salt is a highly effective way to prevent the disorder . DETERMINATION OF CONTENT OF ACTIVE CHLORINE IN SODIUM-METHOD CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE BY IODIMETRY
The bleaching effect of the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and chlorine water was superior to that of individually used hydrogen peroxide , chlorine water , calcium hypochlorite and active carbon .
Through the relationship between sodium chloride and target crystal : calcium hypochlorite hydrate , the recycle of mother liquid , the principle of reactive crystallization of sodium-process bleaching power was analyzed .
Effects of Calcium Hypochlorite on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Activity of Defensive Enzymes of " Newhall " Navel Oranges ( Citrus sinensis Osbeck Newhall ) during Storage
In this paper , new prepared calcium hypochlorite solution is used as a precipitating agent and oxidant to treat the industrial waste water containing high-content arsenic with removal rate of over 99.97 % arsenic .
The test results using pure mineral show that the combination of sodium humate and calcium hypochlorite is an effective depressant of pyrite . In alkaline medium , magnetic field is favourable for depressing pyrite .